EDIT: It was Kris pala who shared this infographic! Thank you muther!!
I got this mega infographic from Jenny who posted it in our SoMoms Support Group thread in FB 🙂 It’s a cheat sheet of the results of a lot of scientific studies on raising children. I find myself nodding in agreement with some of the points in the guide. What I’m working on right now with David is praise. David is such a smart kid but I want to praise (and discipline) him the right way. I am so extra conscious of saying “good boy” always to David (even if he really is hehehe) and I try to be very specific in what I praise him for. Sa discipline, well that’s another post for another time. We don’t spank David and I guess it stems from my experience of growing up being spanked and not really knowing why I was spanked! I just remember that my legs hurt like hell and that I really resented my parents for doing it. I want to discipline David the right way and I want to stress on his actions and not the punishment. So if you have any tips in this area please share!! Thank you mudrabelles!
Anyway, here’s the infographic, ENJOY and you read the rest of the article here
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