I really stayed home to watch this. The McDonald’s commercial with Kuya Paolo will forever remain in my heart. Paolo’s parents are members of DSAPI too and mommy Oyie has been responding to posts about Kuya Paolo at our Facebook page.
Kuya Paolo and his family are an inspiration. Families of children with special needs go through extra challenges that normal families may never go through and stories like these show how things may be better, brighter, more fun and yes even typical.
It also helps that shows like Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho bring the information closer to the general populace who may still have negative perceptions of our children. Would you believe in a fashion show for children with special needs, during the orientiation one of the models jokingly asked what would he do if the child with Ds bites him. GANON? Ignorance is the greatest tragedy I believe and it helps that shows like KMJS and this McDo ad show that our children are human beings. Hindi sila lamok na nangangagat. It has also come to our radar that there have been spoofs of the commercial and the content was offensive. I chose not to look for it on youtube. I choose to dwell on the positive. It’s tragic that people find those different from them hilarious. I wonder if they’re perfect human beings. Hmmm.
Anyway, kudos to Jessica Soho for a wonderful interview and for the sensitive portrayal of what Down syndrome is.
Enjoy this clip of Kuya Pao and I hope he brightens your day!
Thank you to AnjayChannelThree for posting this segment 🙂
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