Happy New Year! Are you with me in feeling that the 5-day holiday was not enough? Bitin diba hehe
I was thinking about what New Year’s Resolutions I’d be making for myself. It always is that New Year’s Resolutions are always things that sound like CHORES and that I know are good for me but I probably won’t enjoy doing (or not doing) anyway. So, with that in mind, I thought of the following:
1) Cut down the soda. I loooooove Pepsi and Coke but the empty calories leave me bloated! So I resolve to only drink soda during the weekend and to only have one glass per meal. (including merienda, LOL!)
2) Baon. I resolve to eat packed lunches at least three times a week. That’s at least Php300 in my wallet right away that I can spend on a rainy day…or a sale
3) Make time to Blog. I love manilamommy and look forward to writing on this piece of the web everyday. My head is filled with draft posts but it’s finding the time to do them all that’s a challenge. In fact, I should be reading a very boring article now but nope, I’m here typing away! Meanwhile, I’d like to thank YOU for just hanging around with me. Tambay lang tayo ha? If you have something to say, the comment boxes are all yours! (No moderation needed, Akismet rocks! It kills spam!)
4) Shoot more. With that,I’ve signed up with Project 365. I love taking pics and my flickr has over 6,000 images. If flickr crashes or suddenly dies, that’s my whole photographic life down the drain I know that I still need a lot of practice. Heck it’s only recently that I’ve had the guts to shoot in M. It’s scary, all the adjusting and fidgeting but man it’s rewarding when the settings just click (yes pun intended hehe).
Below is my first image for the group. The main reason why I picked up a DSLR and have not stopped shooting ever since.
*cue the theme song from Yagit for my blurry baby*
I want to join Project 365 too! And I want to see your daily photos! Where where?!
ela – tama ka sya nga si tomtom haha
my flickr set for my project 365 is here
@Ana & Neva, baka sya si TomTom? Hahaha ~ E
Good luck with your resolutions! You should do a quarterly update para your visitors can keep you in check ;).
hi jason! thanks! oo nga good idea, i’ll do a quarterly update hehe
pogi ni david!!!
good luck with the non-chore new year’s resolution. me, i’d like to make mini-goals, like per month.. which leaves me tons of mini-goals! hahaha, joke!
yes yes, more posts please
it really helps nevs 
hi kitty! i’ll be posting about jiggles the balloon lady soon haha watch out for it
cheers to our goals and resolutions!
so sino si david sa yagit? hahaha! si jeremy?
hi ana! cheers to us talaga and GOOOOD LUCK!