Who has EQ?? A super fun video of the classic marshmallow test. The kids are adorable! Would it be mean if I do this to DW when he's all grown up?? hahaha :P Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo. … [Continue reading]
Win a Melissa and Doug Dollhouse!

Mommy Pages , THE yellow pages for moms and dads is giving away this lovely Melissa & Doug dollhouse when you sign up for the Mommy Pages mailing list! The dollhouse retails for $119, is fully furnished and comes with "eighteen pieces of solid wooden furniture, a doll family of four, and a removable atrium with balcony" --- This is certainly a posh version of the shoeboxes I used as dollhouses when I was a kid. I cut out pics of furniture from magazines including carpets haha! Oh … [Continue reading]
The Suppliers for DW’s Baptismal Celebration
Our partners for the big day. We made sure they understood that we were working under a tight budget haha! Like I said in my previous post, I began planning while waiting for my turn at the OB but the actual canvassing happened during my maternity leave. During feeding breaks, I drafted invites and emailed suppliers (thank al gore for the interwebs! :P). I was up during the day as I never followed the advice that you should sleep when the baby is sleeping because sleeping and waking up every … [Continue reading]
I Planned DW’s Baptism Because I Got Bored
When I was still heavy with DW, Saturday was my check-up day. My OB is like a hit movie --- pinipilahan sa takilya. No matter how early I come in, there's always at least 10 other expectant moms in front of me at the queue. I finally got tired of playing games on my phone when I thought of scribbling plans for DW's baptism. I was on my 7th or 8th month then and I figured that I might as well plan ahead because I know I won't have time to when DW's already out and about. … [Continue reading]
manilamommy is madeover!

....and I accidentally deleted the post about the original makeover. I am so sorry to EJ and Reg who left comments on that post :( Anyway, after weeks of testing and holding our collective breaths, the site finally has her own look and her own theme. We clean up pretty well don't we? The theme is made by Patricia Villa and you can view her online portfolio at Designs to Inspire and at Pat's Themes. Thanks for everything Pat! … [Continue reading]