I still remember your birth like it was yesterday. I felt you through every surging wave of pain throughout my body. You were raring to get out but all I could do was wait for the right time to meet you. Nov 30, 2012 was almost coming to an end and I wondered when we would finally meet. I actually wanted your birthday to be on the 30th so that your big day will always be a holiday!
And then you came, screaming and kicking. We saw our love made real in your tiny face, fingers and feet. You are perfect!
The moon and the stars all connived to welcome you dearest David, our first born and our wonderful kuya. Each year that we celebrated your birthday is always a year full of hope for you and because of you.
And this year, we celebrated one more milestone. You are seven! A grade 1 student, a Minecraft enthusiast and a budding jokester! Your dad and I are just in love and in awe of you. You are funny, sweet caring and compassionate. We learn so much from you and because of you we learn how to be better people and hopefully better parents. You and Noah are our best teachers as we figure out how we become the parents you need us to be.
Let this year be a year of thanksgiving for me and your dad because you are such a blessing to us and our family.
Thank you kuya for showing us that laughter will always be the best medicine.
Thank you for loving us and reminding us about the healing power of hugs and kisses.
Thank you for always flashing your toothy smile when you welcome us home from a tiring day at work.
Thank you for listening to us even when it’s hard sometimes. Thank you for understanding why we need rules for you and your brother but what I am most grateful for is that you always challenge these rules. May you never ever lose the courage to question.
Thank you for being silly and for always making us, especially Noah laugh.
But most of all, thank you David for loving us and for always trying your best. My wishes for you are joy, happiness and may all your dreams come true!
Work hard, play hard kuya! Rock on!
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