Hello there mommies 😀 I just got these two announcements in my inbox and so I’m sharing them both with you 🙂 One is a workshop for single mommies at Powerbooks and another is a warehouse sale!
WHAT: Happy Even After Workshop
WHEN: March 20 (Sunday) | 2-5PM
WHERE: Powerbooks Greenbelt
Happy Even After
A workshop for solo moms and those who are raising children –theirs or others—on their own. Everything you need to know to make your own Happy Event After ending:
• Get inspiration from other single moms who have been there
• Navigate through legal issues with other guests speaker, Atty. Raquel Aspiras
• Look good, feel good with help from beauty experts
Registration Required:
For reservations, please contact 0927-3079608
Registration is P200 (covers refreshments and giveaways)
*the organizer will be the one to collect the payment on the day of the event.
Exclusive offer to all Powercard members:
*Get in for FREE when you present your Powercard on the day of the event. Open only to female Powercard members only
Fine Print: Pleae make sure that you have enrolled with Paypal before the Warehouse Sale in order to use your credit card. Credit card transactions will be made through Paypal only during sales.
wow i just discovered this website today and im so thankful i found this. very interesting & helpful blogs/articles. im a solo mom & glad i saw the Happy Even After event here…i guess i know now where I’ll be on Sunday then 🙂
@tattoedmom – thank you so much! hope you have fun at the event tomorrow 😀