Sometimes, something works out so well that you never ever let go of it. This happened with my bottle of All is Well Oil by Zenutrients. I got a bottle of the oil together with the balm last Christmas
I took the bottle with me on January 4, the first day we all went back to work. I was anticipating a VERY busy and stressful day and true enough I got a really bad stress headache from all the work that had to be done.
So I took out the All is Well Oil which in a small roller and I rolled a heck of a lot of it on my forehead and temples. The eucalyptus and peppermint worked their magic and I felt a soothing relief right away. The best part is that I kept putting it on and I did not worry about smelling like a “lola” (no offense to lolas!! love you lolas!!)
So the All is Well Roll-On Oil is now in my bag and is part of my everyday essentials. I suffer from migraines monthly and I love that this oil relieves me of the throbbing pain that my headaches come with.
The 10ml bottle is just php130 pesos and available at their kiosks. To see the complete list of their stores you can click here.
All is well roll on and salve is it available in Dubai?
Hanapin ko nga ito sa kiosk nila. Thanks for informing us about this.
Ok 🙂 thanks jhake!