One of my favorite things about running ManilaBaby Shop is Divisoria day. We source the materials of the bags ourselves including the lining, the zippers, and all the nuts and bolts that make up our bags. We’re hands on and sourcing materials is one of our favorite things to do.
We went back to our suki cloth supplier a few weeks back and I decided to take pics of Divisoria while I was there using my phone.
Divi is fascinating. The energy is frenetic. It’s abuzz with people trying to buy, sell, negotiate– anything to make ends meet. Street children and the homeless weave in and out of he busy alleyways trying to eke out a few pesos for a meal. Street vendors sell an assortment of things, which makes me wonder if some of them are fenced or not. Old abandoned buildings and shiny new malls are within walking distance of each other. The decrepit buildings give a sense of foreboding of what these new shiny malls could be give or take a decade.
I rubberneck like a tourist every time we’re in Divi because there is so much to see (and buy) in this place.
But we move on and go about our business. We’re just like anyone else here in Divi who are busy making ends meet.
See you soon Divi!
OMG Chevron! Thanks for posting