Last week, I posted about an Ice Cream Party for 5-Year Old Kim! It’s a perfect theme for a summer party (and we’re all starting to feel the heat now right?!) A month ago, our barkada threw a sea-themed baby shower for one of our dear friends 😀 Maan (twitter name @madballs) is a home baker who specializes in yummy moist brownies and cookies. However, when she arrived with a big tray of cupcakes for the baby shower we were all blown away by her Moby Dick and Snorkeler cupcakes! I had to ask her to share how she did the cupcakes and I hope you guys get an idea or two for your own sweet edible decorations 😀
Wouldn’t these treats be so cool for a kiddie summer party?!
Maan’s Moby Dick Cupcakes
Snorkelers staring back at you
Click on the link below to see how Maan decorated the cupcakes 😀
Hubby got me a book on cupcake decorating (“What’s New, Cupcake?”) and it showed that, with a little creativity, making cute themed cupcakes is easy!
You will need –
- food coloring
- coarse white sugar, which you can tint any color (just a drop of food coloring in a ziplock bag of sugar, shake until the color evens out)
- vanilla frosting, which you can also turn into the colors you need
- chocolate frosting, if you need black frosting (you can put chocolate chips in a ziplock bag and microwave 15 seconds at a time, massage the bag until it’s smooth)
- cookies, twinkies, munchkins, marshmallows and candies, depending on your design
- ziplock bags or ice bags that you can put the frosting in, just snip a corner depending on the size of the stroke you need in “painting” your cupcake masterpiece
And then the book gave tips on how to assemble the pieces together. Here are some that I’ve tried.
- If you’re attaching anything to the cupcake to make it into a certain shape (like putting a cut up twinkie on top for a whale’s head), use the frosting as “paste” and make sure you put enough around the base of what you’re attaching. Then let it set in the fridge for at least 20 minutes.
- If you need a glaze, just microwave the frosting for a few seconds until it’s thin enough like poster paint then dip the top of your cupcake and let excess drip off. Again, cool first before decorating over it.
For Moby Dick
I used twinkies for the head and tail, with cut cookies as fins. I attached them to the cupcake first then dipped the top of the cupcake in purple glaze (microwaved frosting). I then made squiggly wave designs with shades of blue and with white frosting. Final touches were the face of the whale using chocolate frosting.
For the Snorkeler Cupcakes
This is for the snorkeler, which I found while googling for underwater cupcake design ideas . It’s much simpler and would be faster to do, especially since I set out to make 2 dozen cupcakes after lunch for a party at 4pm :-p – ( the cupcake with blue frosting; dip the top into blue sugar crystals. Pipe white frosting onto the center of the cupcake into 1 1/2-inch oval for dive mask; attach green M&M’s to mask for eyes. Use chocolate frosting to outline the mask and decorate the eyes. Attach a trimmed candy cane for the snorkel and flat white decors for bubbles. Attach a Goldfish cracker and pipe an eye on the fish.
But, I used red licorice candy from The Candy Shop since I didn’t have any candy cane and then Knick Knacks strawberry cookies were used as fishies. ?
Thanks so much Maan!!
Heehee ü Thanks for blogging about my cupcakes!
My friend used chocolate syrup and a toothpick to make a floral design on an icing-topped cupcake. For V-day, I made heart-shaped drawings with melted chocolate and when they hardened, put them on top of the cupcakes. Superfun and easy! Ü