DW is the second of three cousins and they are all boys 😀 His kuya, JM was less than a year old when BDW and I got married. The youngest, EJ will be a year old this month. Every Sunday we all meet at Tahanan to have lunch and laze around the house except for these three boys who turn the house upside down. Wala pa atang one hour dugyot na agad tong mga to e haha 😛
Last weekend was extra special because we all slept at Tahanan and the boys played until late at night! It was the first sleepover in what I feel would be many sleepovers. Growing up, we always had cousins at our house for sleepovers. It was the norm for summer until we all just got busier, with some taking summer classes or taking extended vacations elsewhere. When I was a kid, waking up to find a lot of kids in the house to play with was absolutely exciting and having cousins over were highlights of our summers then.
I’m really happy that DW’s got cousins that he could grow up with. We see DW learning to play with them, sharing toys and just interacting. Sometimes they talk to one another in a language all their own and it’s really amusing to hear them.
Here are some pics last weekend of the cousins 😀
DW and JM playing in BDW’s room (we’ve left toys in Tahanan already so the boys would have their “supplies” at the ready)
EJ, who’s the youngest among the cousins and who is also on his way to becoming the biggest 😛 He’s almost as big as DW and he’s only turning one this month!! Look at his feet!!
And of course jumping up and down their grandparents’ bed 😛
These boys are a lotta work!! Mabangga giba LOL!
Riot yan pag laki nila! 🙂 And they are all so cute!
kami naman puro girls ang mag-cousins and my son is the only boy on both sides of the family